Ok... this one involved using up some of the stuff i had in the kitchen, and it came out really nice. It's a baked dish with penne pasta, a garlic, peppers, and onion tomato sauce, and topped with broccoli and some mozzarella. Here's how i did it: for the sauce, i cooked up the garlic, a green, a red, and a jalepeno pepper, along with an onion until they were at the point where you would put them on a sandwich. then i added a chopped tomato and a little bit of tomato sauce, and added some basil. i put the cooked penne at the bottom of the baking dish, and then covered it with the sauce. next, i steamed some broccoli,
put it on top of the sauce, and added a layer of grated mozzarella with some bread crumbs. then i baked it for about 12 minutes until the broccoli got a bit brown. it didn't come out of the dish and onto the plate looking all that fancy, but it was certainly yummy...