Healing in the Kitchen

I realize I have not posted a recipe or meal in what seems like weeks. I do appologize, and expect that I have lost what few readers I had in the first place. It just happens to be one of those stretches in life where you do what you can to survive. Well... in lieu of food, I offer an article from Alternet.org that promotes the healing properties of those spices in our spice cabinets. If the fun of experimenting with preparing foods from around the world doesn't inspire you to play in the kitchen, do it for the potential benefits to your health and well-being.
Check out the article here.
More importantly - keep cooking!!!


Unknown said…
thanks doug.

you've still got a loyal reader here.
Anonymous said…
waiting patiently for the next yummy feast....
JediWright said…
Yes, still checking in...maybe you can do a post or two on the similarities (if any) between preparing a meal and an MPH. :)