Beer in Tampa Bay: Immort Ale by Dogfish Head

As may be noticed, posts on my unique kitchen creations have been lacking for a while now, and I must admit that I have struggled to put much effort into my meals these days. One thing I have continued though is drinking beer. And after all, I figure beer does resided in the kitchen! When I first moved to the Tampa Bay area 5 years ago, I was shocked at how poor the beer selection was here - especially coming from the beer mecca of Philadelphia. Lucky for me (and all the other beer fans in the area), things have picked up down here in America's wang. Along with the increased variety, I have even commenced my first attempt at brewing: a nut brown ale about which I will post soon. So, the point of this little diatribe? I've decided to share some of the beers that I've been able to enjoy down here, along with some of the places from whence they have come. In other words: a little Tampa Bay Beer Love...

And so... first to be shared?

Dogfish Head Immort Ale
What we have here is a twelve oz bottle of 11% abv (alcohol by volume) goodness.
I first drank this with a few friends, and most of them didn't really like it, and I have to admit it does have a 'unique' taste when it first enters your mouth. Still, there was something interesting there, so I had another, and that's when I realized how unique - ly good this beer really is. It pours to a nice creamy head that lingers throughout the drinking. The label tells of the maple, vanilla, and oak notes of the beer, and strangely, each of these tastes boldly linger until the nice smooth finish after you swallow. At first taste, I felt like I was drinking a sweeter beer - similar to a barley wine perhaps - but it finishes so smooth and almost light, it becomes a highly drinkable high-alcohol beer. In fact, I liked it so much I had to go out and buy myself another 4-pack. If you enjoy beers that are a bit unique, go get yourself one of these tasty brews from one of my favorite breweries in the country these days.


Unknown said…
America's wang...hmm. I can't wait to read about your own brewing experiment. I'm excited and I don't know why...
d00g said…
Well we bottled the brew today, which leaves two weeks until our first tasting. That puts us at around mid-July for the post - with plenty of pics!!