Getting close to two months in Belize, nearly all of it in the southern town of Punta Gorda, and my food adventures continue to surprise me! I have managed to get out of PG (as it is called locally) a handful of times, including a day trip to the Belizean capital, Belmopan, and a long weekend in the beach town of Placencia. Following are some random shots of what is keeping my gastro-explorations so interesting while on the road...
Mango and Pepper
~ While traveling on the bus in Belize, food vendors get on at every stop
to sell their snacks. This one is common in mango season - green mango
(unripe) with cayenne pepper -and makes for a spicy healthy snack to
hold you over until you reach your destination.
After giving a presentation on food research to a field school based in the village of Maya Center, I took a side trip to Placencia for a few days with my friend Sequoia. Our first night there, we were out drinking, when we were joined by a local - and gregarious - woman at the bar. After a few too many drinks we left her singing karaoke, only to run into her the next day at her small street stand where she sold grilled chicken and fish. Happy to see us, Miss Brenda invited Sequoia and I to her place for a home-cooked lobster dinner later that night.
Miss Brenda's House!
Inside, you can see Miss Brenda preparing our plates,
while Sequoia waits excitedly at our table in the front yard.
Lobster and Fish by Miss Brenda.
A plate done up right - fresh caught lobster and fish
with rice and beans, bread pudding, pasta salad.
We had some other tasty food in Placencia as well, which I will perhaps share at a later date. Instead, I'll share a small piece of the food scene in Belmopan. On this day I spent over 10 hours on the bus to get to and from Belmopan. I went to pick up my research permit, but I think I should have stayed a night to more fully explore what appeared to be an interesting variety of street food, if not to break up so many hours on the bus.
Food Shacks in Belmopan
Some of the many food stalls that occupy the area near the bus station.
Perfect for hungry travelers, and frequented by the many professionals
working in the capital.
Shekar Indian Fast Food
I went for the authentic Indian food for something I can't get in PG.
The owner and chef is from India, and was excited to share his food with me. You can see the menu, which changes daily.
Yellow Dhal by Shekar
The vegetarian special: A tasty plate with dhal, curried rice and Belizean Roti! |
And Kevin & Tender - thanks too - I'm not exactly sure why the unripe mangoes are used, but there is a trend here (and elsewhere in Latin America) to eat some fruits "green". They also eat them ripened, but there are a number of dishes that use 'green' fruits. The slight sour of 'green' veggies becomes something that the palate craves!