I got to do a group dinner for a change the other night when a group of friends from the anthropology department got together for a little welcome back from the holidays dinner. And as I love it, the whole bunch of us were buzzing around the kitchen putting it all together. The meal included a

walnut-cranberry-fetta over baby-greens salad, a nice caprese salad, a

nd a vegetarian lasagne served with garlic bread. Not pictured was a bunch of yummy golden corn-on-the-cob, and the dessert of dark-chocolate dipped strawberries. Two of us put together the lasagne, so that's what the focus of this post will be. We started with the sauce by cooking up a large onion, a bunch of garlic and mushrooms. We added a large can of diced tomatoes, along with some sun-dried tomatoes and some extra tomato sauce to increase the volume.

We created a mozzarella-ricotta cheese mix, a shredded basil-spinach mix, and some steamed zucchini. This gave us three distinct layers in addition to our homemade sauce and the noodles. Topped with mozzarella and parmesian, baked for about 30 minutes, and then enjoyed with the rest of the spread. Thanks to everyone for a great meal and a great evening!